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Handbook/Policy Manual Development
As year-end approaches, companies, both large and small, are busy closing out 2023 and putting plans in place for 2024. A key priority that should not be neglected as you make preparations to close out an old year and start a new one is updating your employee handbook. An updated employee handbook can be an effective tool to prevent legal liability, set the policies that reflect the realities of your business and communicate expectations to your employees. However, an employee handbook that is out-of-date or out-of-touch can both expose your company to legal liability and garble any message of expectations that you try to convey to your employees. So, here are three reasons why every company should move updating the employee handbook to the top of their year-end to do list.
Reason 1: Employee Handbooks Should Be Updated To Prevent Legal Liabilities.
Reason 2: Employee Handbooks Should Be Updated To Reflect A New Post-Pandemic Reality.
Reason 3: Out-Of-Date and Out-of-Touch Employee Handbooks Blunt Your Company’s Ability to Effectively Communicate the Rules of the Game to Employees.
In sum, as year-end approaches, every company should consider updating their employee handbook to comply with new laws, new realities and to make sure they are effectively communicating their expectations to employees.
The staff at W. Garnett & Associates are ready to assist employers in developing their Employee Handbooks and other employment policies and procedures in a cost-effective manner.